After seeing so many of these posts/videos around and being so entertained by them, I thought I would do a shorter version, because I couldn't think of 50 random (interesting) facts about myself. But my facts turned out a little long so I'm going to split this post into two because I don't think anyone will last till the end of the full post lol, so here we go:
I always sleep on my front. My friends think that it's so odd that I sleep on my front because I have rather large bosoms but I can't stand sleeping on my back, it's like my brain can't shut off when I sleep on my back and I have the best dreams when I sleep on my front! Maybe that's why I prefer it ;-)
As of this year I have started to fast on Monday's. It's a fast that I know quite a few Hindus do, it varies in the day's that people do it on, usually Mondays, or Thursdays. I can eat fruits, nuts and drink milk and water, so it's not like I'm starving myself and I have one main meal at the end of the day. I can't get up from the meal until I've finished otherwise it breaks the fast. I started fasting because I'm hoping it will help me 'spiritually'.
I'm a morning person, I'm up and perky just as soon as I have washed my face. My family kinda dislike my activeness at that time of the day, but I can't help it. At night I'm a lot more mellow, but when I'm in bed (like I said below) I KO!
The Dresses! |
I hated wearing skirts! From about the age of 9 till I was about 21 I never wore a skirt or dresses (apart from school uniform, but when I was able to wear trousers, then I was wearing them!). I think I was partly traumatised by my mum dressing me up like a doll in cute dresses that put me off, although I appreciate it now. And when I was a teenager, it was more I didn't like my legs. I suppose it was partly due to me being a tom-boy as well. Alls changed now, I love wearing skirts now and love my legs.
Ok, this next one is going to sound so bad! But I always think I'm right. I generally speaking won't say something without believing I'm right. I'm not talking about people opinions, I'm very open with all that but I'm referring to specific topics and discussions. I suppose it's hard for me to describe, but if you know me then you will be mentally shouting at me about this point. It takes a lot for me to admit that I'm wrong, especially when the person makes a point of saying 'admit it! You're wrong'.
I didn't think that lipsticks suited me. Like at all! I preferred wearing nothing or a lip gloss, and even then the lip gloss would be clear. Even when I bought lipsticks I would wear them in front of the mirror, um and ah and then wipe it all off. I think it's safe to say that's not the case now.
I used to dislike the colour red when it came to my clothes. My mum was adamant that it suited me but I refused to believe such poppycock, I really didn't think it suited my skin tone, which is odd because Indians wear red for their weddings (I'm not going to lie this did slightly worry me about what I would wear) but obviously I love wearing red now and realise that I was thinking poppycock! lol!
Back to my sleeping habits, and some of you may hate me for this, but I am a super duper heavy sleeper. Like, an earthquake wouldn't wake me! I wish I was exaggerating, but when I'm out I'm out. My brother once forgot to take his keys with him on a night out, he rang me 63 times before I realised my phone was ringing. I think that says it all!
I love food and I love to cook. I find cooking a really easy way for me to zone out completely, I just put my headphones in and work away. And I love experimenting with food. I want to venture into sushi but I don't know if I'd get that quite right.
Contrary to the last fact, I am extremely fussy with fruit, I'll eat any vegetable or cuisine. But I am so particular about fruit, I don't know why my tastebuds just don't like certain flavours; like raspberry, watermelon or any melon for that matter, papaya, red apples, grapefruit, lychee..the list goes on! I think it would have been better for me to write the fruits that I actually like.
My Medals from the Dance Competition |
When I was in Primary school I loved dancing (still do, just not choreographed). Me and my friends took part in the competition which was in two parts; firstly in school and then with the rest of the schools in the borough. We were the first year 5 group to get through to the next stage and we then went on to get the Bronze after competing against the rest of the schools. The next year we done it again and we achieved the Silver. I think that was one of my proudest moments.
I love football, some of my female friends find it weird that I like football and know so much about it as I do. I wasn't really into it when I was younger, it's probably in the last 6-7 years I've really gotten into it. I'm not going to say I know every stat but I know enough!
I know how to knit. Only the most simple of techniques, I can't make any patterns but yh..there's that. My mum taught me because I wanted to make a scarf, which I still haven't finished (it's been years).
So that's it for now, I'll probably stick the next part up over the weekend. Hope you enjoyed the first half. Keep a look out for the second half, if you want! =D
♥ RP ♥